This is a place to collect knowhow about the Lenovo Thinkpad T-430.
Much of this post is a reproduction from JetBrains article “Linux Scripts for Easy YouTrack Installation”. The intention is to keep that recipe at a “warm and safe place” here and to leave amendments and extras I found necessary when installing YouTrack on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04 LTS.
Thanks to Sebastian Fischer it can be easy now to extend the domain model of an existing extension. Sebastian presented his TYPO3 CMS extension ‘extender’ at the T3CRR 2014 in Essen. This post gives a very short description and howto.
With Sphinx and Ablog you can generate static files for your weblog from reStructuredText. This post explains the basics of the installation.
This Howto explains how you can use SSH and Rsync to copy files from a remote server to your local machine fast and comfortably.
Ongoing writing and link collection about reStructuredText builders and writers.
Wow, that really has been a fantastic event: TYPO3camp RheinRuhr 2014. Many thanks to the organizers, the participants and the Unperfekthaus Essen. What a great location to meet in.
Huh - what is this? You may know that directives can have options, but text roles? You’re right. They don’t have options. But they can have customization options. And this post is about what fancy stuff you can do with it.
Keywords: ReST, text roles, interpreted text, Docutils, Sphinx
In 1924 my mother was seven years old and lived in Münster. Her mother had given her the name “Ferdinande” and was very proud of that choice. But little Ferdinande never liked the name and always called herself “Nanny”. Now it’s many years later and my mother passed away (Nanny, *1917 - †2016).
A post about that important Contribution_Walkthrough_Tutorials in the Wiki - which is a link that I have to look up again and again myself and thus note here!
Einige Eindrücke vom Herbstsegeln in Friesland bei Sneek(NL).
Some impressions of autumn sailing in Sneek / Friesland (NL) - where the night watchman locked me in for two hours in the toilet building!
Updating a TYPO3 4.4 installation should be easy. But you may encounter “strict standards trouble”. Keywords: TYPO3 4.4, PHP 5.4, fatal error, solution
Let me explain that Per Page Internationalization for ABlog proposal a bit more.
ABlog is Ahmet Bakan’s fantastic Sphinx extension for creating blogs. At the moment as of version 0.3 it lacks support for switching languages on a per post or per page basis. ABlog is OpenSource software and available from Github.This post offers a working solution.